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United States
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Its name comes from the Greek "Kyanos", meaning blue (cyan). It is also called "Disthen", composed of the Greek words di and sthenos, which means "two forces". This last name is characteristic of the stone itself, which is composed of two different hardnesses, depending on the direction of elongation or the perpendicular direction.


Until the 20th century, Kyanite was often confused with Sapphire. For this reason, it does not have its own history. However, it is said that it was used in antiquity as a compass. The electrical qualities of Kyanite would have allowed travelers to guide themselves through the earth's electromagnetic field. Some also say that the Archangel Michael's sword, capable of slicing through good and evil, used Kyanite as its base material.

At psychological level

Kyanite helps to evacuate emotional blockages, brings clarity and frankness to all forms of communication. It eliminates ignorance and opens to truth, loyalty and serenity.

At mental level

Kyanite dispels confusion and eliminates blockages. It brings stability during the changes of life and stimulates the higher mind. Soothing anger, anxiety, frustration and stress, Kyanite brings a feeling of well-being. It stimulates the higher mind and brings compassion. It gives the concentration needed for meditation and helps to develop creative skills.

At energy level

Kyanite, in addition to instantly aligning chakras and subtle bodies, restores the energy (qi) of the body and regulates it.

At spiritual level

Kyanite promotes astral and interdimensional travel. It amplifies and transmits energy and helps to remember dreams. It helps to detach from the idea of "subjecting to one's life" and places the "self" at the center of the reflection on the causes of ill-being. Kyanite will help you find your spiritual direction.

At physical level

Kyanite treats muscle, throat and brain disorders. It lowers blood pressure and treats infections.


Kyanite does not absorb negativity, so it does not need to be cleansed.


Kyanite is a revitalizing, soothing crystal that brings calm and compassion. It will recharge your energy, and allow you to have the perspective necessary to make the right choices.